Reach out and touch someone...

Yesterday I had the absolute privilege of traveling to Brimfeld Massachusetts to experience the famous and fabulous antiques show there. While I adore hunting for hidden and not so hidden treasures, for me yesterday was less about the "stuff" and more about the people. Yesterday was an arranged designing Tweetup organized by my new and fabulous friend, Gretchen Aubuchon of Aubuchon Design. On a whim she, along with "Wykeham Girl" and Cynthia Bogart of The Daily Basics, and Kelly Ryan Kergans of Better Homes and Gardens managed to put together a two day event with lectures, demonstrations, snacks and a fabulous dinner at the Publick House in Sturbridge Village that was sponsored by Benjamin Moore. Her husband, Will Aubuchon of Aubuchon Hardware not only stood by her side and supported her idea, but brought along the charming Gary Sweet of Benjamin Moore to create an event that was not only informative, but truly unforgettable. What made it so spectacular were the wonderful men and women I had the pleasure of meeting in person, after getting to know them on the screen.

I could have spent hour upon hour in those fields scouring, searching, selecting and bargaining for incredible and unique objects, but yesterday I was more interested in the people. It was the people whom I had gotten to know over the internet... the people with whom I had much in common... the people who shared my interests and talents... the people whom, over the months, I have truly grown to admire, respect and care for. Twitter is an interesting tool -- perhaps I should refer to it as a phenomena -- wherein the confines of  140 characters (which for a wordy girl like me, is often challenging) we have really gotten to know one another, support one another, respect one another, and of course, joke with one another.

I joined Twitter kicking and screaming. I really had no interest. I was told that it would be a great marketing tool for me, but really Twitter has been so much more.

Of course, when your Twitterhandle is GimletMommy, as mine is, the moment you arrive people shout your name and jump for joy as though you have given people permission to start the party. On Twitter, as well as in real life, I am loud and fun and well... boisterous. For those of whom had not met me, people seemed surprised that I am so small. (Which I do not consider myself to be at all!) We met. We hugged. We talked. We laughed. We vary in ages and live all over the country. We arrived as strangers and will leave as fast friends. I am home in my family room typing this. I have to miss today's events as I have soccer games and Birthday parties to chaperone. I am sad to miss today's lectures, but more so I am sad to not spend another day with my friends who have come from far and wide. There are plans for another Brimfield get together this time next year. I will be there. I cannot wait. To my Brimfield friends -- Gretchen, Shelley, Danielle, Brandon, Kelly, Abigail, Mindy, Cynthia, Will, Gary, Leslie, Gloria and last but not least... sweet Carol... I so look forward to seeing you again! You garnered my respect and admiration a while ago... but you won my heart yesterday! (My most sincere apologies for names not mentioned due to oversight!)

This is not the first time I have had the amazing privilege of meeting the amazing bloggers and twitters I interact with on a daily basis. And this is not the first time I have left feeling so happy and privileged to have yet another group of people that I can truly refer to as my friends.

Perhaps, now, I should invest in the below. With the phone numbers I have collected over the past few days I have a feeling my fingers will do a good bit less typing and I'll be chatting a good bit more. Isn't this handset pure genius? Doesn't it take you back to the Princess phone you had in your room in the 80s? I must go get one. How about you?

This genius accessory is available through Amazon!

More on Brimfield including photos to come soon!

XOXO Jessica