Tuesday's Thoughts...
We should all aspire to this!
Outside there is a sudden burst of color... The color literally popped open the other day. I feel as though I have walked into the most magnificent Impressionist painting! Our trees, dressed in bright greens, pastel pinks and crisp whites, line our roads and streets. Our fields are vibrant... Our lives are busy and chaotic with very little time to slow down... But please, on your way from point A to B, take a moment to appreciate the beauty beyond your windows. If you are lucky enough to be able to walk around, listen to the sounds around you... feel the sun's warming rays... Spring is here! It's in the air!
Ps. In regards to yesterday's controversial post... I never really meant it to be that way. I was simply expressing my thoughts. My blog -- my thoughts. You may or may not agree with them. For those of you who did not have to hide behind an anonymous identity, you know I truly appreciate your comments -- both in agreement and in opposition. Yes, this is what makes this a wonderful country... We can speak out... We can voice our opinions as we choose. God Bless America!