C'mon Santa, Bring it on!

                Source: kcmeesha.com via Matthew on Pinterest

Some how I did it! Somehow I'm done! 
I wrapped all the presents, I even had fun!

There's nothing to do,
No time to boo hoo!

The house is all clean, no dust to be found.
Go take a look, go walk around!

The children have gathered things from the floor
Without even jamming stuff behind the door!

The cookies are done, ready to go
In anticipation of a certain Ho Ho Ho!

I did it this year! I did it in time!
I did it without a tear or a whine!

The children are glad they have me all day,
Plenty of time to eat, bake and play!

I'm so very proud, I don't mean to boast,
but for breakfast I made a tree from French Toast!

The presents are well hidden, go poke around,
I assure you there's not one to be found!

We're ready for Santa, his reindeer too,
We've opened up and cleaned out the flue!

So Santa Claus, without further ado
We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of you!

(my French Toast tree!)

Merry Christmas Everyone!
May your day be Cheerful and full of Cheer!

