the misadventures of Edward Louis Francis...

Edward Louis Francis, better known as Elf, has been up to a good bit of trouble this year. In past years he's been mildly mischievous. This year, he's taken himself to a whole new level. His most recent stunt was pulled while I was out last night. I had two wonderful events to attend. First, was an amazing event for designers and design bloggers, organized and hosted by two fabulous women whom I am proud to call friends, Stacy Bewkes of Quintessence and PR Guru Ridgely Brode, of Ridgely's Radar. The tremendous evening was sponsored by AudioCom  at their South Norwalk, Connecticut location.

From there I went to my dear friend Line's house for an ornament exchange that she has been hosting for well over 10 years now. Our core group has grown and I so look forward to seeing my old friends whom I don't get to see nearly enough due to our hectic and crazy lifestyles. We have known one another for close to 20 years and yet none of us looks a day over 29! I wasn't all that late when I got home... it must have been about 11:15. I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water when I sensed something was not right. I poked around... went into the dining room, flipped on the lights, and, well, a picture paints a thousand words....

Naturally, I could not have my kids witnessing such behavior! So I pulled him down from the chandelier and put him to bed.

This one I did leave up for the kids! They thought he was hysterical! A little while later I did some tidying up... and I found this!

Do you think that Edward Louis Francis learned his lesson?

