Happy New Year!
Here we are again... a new day, a new year is upon us. Many of us were happy to see 2011 go and have warmly ushered in 2012 and have welcomed her with open arms. It's going to be a good year. I can feel it. This is intuition telling me and my intuition has never let me down when I allow myself to tap into it and listen to it!
As we welcome this new day, this new year, we welcome all the hopes and dreams and possibilities that come with it. It's a new chance to start something new, to make our mark, to find something we're passionate about. I am a total believer in second chances. Here's our opportunity!
I'm not really a fan of making resolutions. I think they set us up to fail. However, I am a fan of setting goals both large and small and this is what I typically do this time of year. I find that I have much more success with setting goals than resolutions.
My goals this year are not much unlike my goals of the past. In many cases they are simply continuances.
Here they are in no order whatsoever.
Goals for 2012
1. Read more
2. Write every day
3. Waste less time on the computer (Sorry Pinterest!)
4. Eat more fruit
5. Eat more veggies
6. Take better care of myself
7. Try not to let the small stuff stress me out
8. Play more board games with the children
9. Finish book, proposal and find editors
10. Learn something new everyday
11. Try something new as often as possible
12. Challenge myself as often as possible
13. Step out of my comfort zone as often as possible
14. Seize new opportunities
15. Travel to new places
16. Throw ten things away every day
17. Do more with my photography
18. Be the best I can be
19. Have more patience
20. Don't let fear and uncertainty get in the way of my success (I have a huge fear of failure)
21. Sleep more!
22. Organize the basement
23. Work hard, play hard
24. Don't lose sight of goals and dreams
25. Help others
26. Laugh more!
27. Learn a new craft
28. Get in the best shape that I am able to
29. Get better about organizing my time
30. Allow myself to always follow my intuition. It is never wrong!
31. Take the road less traveled
32. Remind myself often of just how far I have come
33. Follow my heart
34. Make a better effort to see friends who are not nearby
35. Do something special for my Birthday this year... it's a semi-big one!
(all images via my inspirations/quotes Pinterest board)
What are some of your goals, dreams and desires?