Put a cork in it :: 10 things to do with your corks after you've drunk the wine!

So, suffice it to say I have a Tupperware container filled with corks. I'm really not sure why and I really have no recollection of ever creating such a thing. I'm apt to think that my 7 year old did this. This would be typical of him. He likes to walk around with the said Tupperware container and corks. And he plays with the corks. He's always been the type of kid to play with toys that aren't really toys. He certainly marches to the beat of his own drum. So I started looking around for some fun things we could do with those corks. Some of the things I found were a bit on the outlandish side, but some were sweet, simple and fun. I found not only  ideas for kids, but a couple of cute hostess gift ideas as well. Come on and have a look!

Wine cork crafts for kids - simple and children can create cards, wrapping paper, etc...

This idea comes from SheKnows - I love the clever way the corks have been turned into mini stampers. Older kids can create gift cards and wrapping paper with these.

Google Image Result for http://blog.sndimg.com/hgtv/design/Briana/wine-cork-craft-5.jpg

Here's another cute card idea!

Pretty Cork Stamps

Martha Stewart kicks it up a notch with a summertime flair and stamps envelopes, gift tags and labels. Why not give this some Christmas flair and let the kids create gift tags and labels!

Cut wine corks in half, hot glue to magnet and now you have cute cork magnets

Add a magnet to the back of a cork that's been cut in half and voila, instant fridge magnet!

Google Image Result for http://www.gograhamgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/corksailboatcraft2.jpg

This has to be my favorite idea for the kids. If you can't get to a lake, pool or ocean - especially in the wintertime - why not make a smaller versions for the bathtub?!
This idea comes to us from Go Graham Go!

Google Image Result for http://followpics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/80009330850424282_LOobNfI1_c.jpg

I love the idea of using corks as key chains. Not only do I love the way they look but these would be a fun little gift to someone who has a boat! I've yet to see any nice looking buoyant key chain! This idea is via Followpics.

Google Image Result for http://theupcycleblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Wine-Cork-Garden-Marker.jpg

I've seen this done a good bit lately, nevertheless, these corks make for wonderful plant and herb labels!

25 Things to do With Used Corks (Including Making Money With Them) | Wise Bread

This idea comes from Wisebread. Tie a cork to some mulling spices, and together with a nice bottle of wine makes a lovely autumnal or winter hostess gift!

25 Things to do With Used Corks (Including Making Money With Them) | Wise Bread

And they make clever place cards for dinner parties of all sizes!
Via Wisebread

I've saved my favorite for last!

2012.07.11 - Wine Cork Canape Knives

I absolutely adore these Cork Canape Knives! Aren't they absolutely darling?
Yarni Gras! has the tutorial to make these on her site.

I hope you've enjoyed these. Now think twice about the cork before you toss it into the garbage!

Have a great weekend and may it be filled with the sounds of popping corks!
Gosh, I'm jumping ahead of myself... It's only Thursday! Well, I guess it IS Friday Eve!
Have a great one!