Ride, Sally, Ride :: The new perks of biking!

I've been switching up my fitness routine. They say it's beneficial as you tend to use the same muscles over and over again and it's important to use new ones. I consider myself as a very fit and in shape individual - of course I'd like to get rid of my muffin top which has been exasperated by middle age and having had three children - but I digress... and I work out. I try to get a good heart-pumping aerobic workout at least 4 to 5 times a week. (It's an excuse to be able to eat more!) To my Zumba and power-walking routines I've added Cardio kickboxing which I love, weight training and I can feel the burn, and Spinning. Spinning is a fancy name for cycling. A room is set up with about 60 bikes with both men and women riders. Some, like me, prefer to be at the back, and some have Lance Armstrong physiques and drive. It's grueling and thank goodness it's set to music. You push yourself as hard as you can. Yes, you can cheat, however, which for me, is a plus. But I try not to... at least I try not to a lot. You'll sweat. You'll sweat a lot.It's a great leg and cardio work out, but truthfully it does nothing for my upper body so I would avoid only spin routine unless you combine it with another program that focuses on your core, shoulders and arms... because you know we need our arms... to lift our kids, groceries... cases of wine... Priorities, friends!

I don't love spinning. But I will continue to force myself to spin once a week. And not one day more. I've never been a biker. It hurts my knees. It hurts my bum. A lot. Those seats were not created by women. In fact I am pretty sure they were not created by humans. I swear to god my left cheek went numb in that last class. I had one hell of a numb-bum. In my teens I took a bike riding tour through the Adirondack mountains. I lived on my bike for one week as we rode along some treacherous and tortuous paths. In all honesty my bum has never been the same since. So, you may tell me to invest in a good pair of bike shorts... padding isn't an issue, my dears. I have plenty - au naturel!

A leisurely bike ride to the beach could be nice. But you'd have to bribe me. I'd need you to dangle a carrot in front of me... I'd need some sort of reason, some sort of inspiration, if you will, to go on a nice relaxing countryside bike ride....

I think I've found just the thing to make my ride more enjoyable!
Bottle Belts

Bottle Belts

Bottle Belts

Bottle Belts

Ok, I suppose you could use these to tie your water bottles on to your bike... but really, why on earth would you want to do that?!!

These and other clever items can be found on Etsy's Walnut Studios...

Cheers and have a great Thursday!

