More stylish notes from the city :: the people of New York

It takes all kinds and New York truly has all kinds. Our people are as varied and diverse as they can be - rich, poor, old, young, We come from all walks of life, from all over the world. The images below are not beautiful, nor are they of the beautiful, glamorous people that grace the streets. They are of everyday people doing everyday things and most likely did not get noticed by most.

The gentleman in the photograph above stopped to pose for me. I'd been taking picture of the architectural detail that graced a Park Avenue building and he must have thought I had wanted to take his picture. So I did!

The man above is a street vendor. He was selling hats, scarves and the like. Business was slow as the humid temperatures climbed well into the 60s that day!

I had ventured over to Rockefeller Center to see if it was all decked out for Christmas yet. It was on its way. A lot of passersby, New Yorkers and tourists alike stopped for a moment to watch the skaters below.

Even on the ice we're addicted to our phones!

This young man was seated on a bench directly outside Barnes and Noble. Everyone likes to lose himself in a good book... or good blog ;)

This dog was scary. Look at his eyes. I thought he was going to attack me. I took the picture quickly and darted past him as fast as I could!

Unfortunately there is still a large homeless population

And of course the city is filled with her share of tourists. But maybe the gentleman above wasn't a tourist though - I'm sure many thought I was as I walked through the city streets clicking away!

Above the tree awaits her grand reveal.

First there was the random banana on the mailbox (see post below if you haven't already) and now a pair of jeans tossed into the bushes at Rockefeller Center... Was someone wearing them? Was someone missing them? Who tosses a pair of jeans into the bushes?

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Roasted chestnuts during the holidays... they smell amazing and their wonderful aroma permeates the streets... I'll admit to never having had one before. They look inviting though, don't they. Something lovely to warm your hands on a cold day!

I love New York Pretzels. In my opinion they are the best in the world. When I'm in the city again, in a couple of week's time - with the children - we'll share a couple!

Ok, I'd best get out of the way... quickly!
