Stylish notes for a Slow and Simple Christmas :: The Wreath


The wreath reminiscent of Christmas and the season has a long tradition that is both deep and rich.

Ancient pagan people, endowing trees with spirit, sought shelter from the branches of life-preserving evergreens through the frozen winter. In early Romans times wreaths made from branches were given to friends and family at New Year's, as a symbol for health and vigor. These wreaths became symbols of joy and victory in classical times.

The evergreen wreath as we know it today was an emblem of perfection and unity and the enduring sun. In later times it would become a religious symbol marking the pain of Christ. Wreaths would later be formed from a variety of pines and firs, with evergreens embodying eternal life - these wreaths are the ones that have become symbolic of Christmas.

For Christians, wreaths were hung on the doors and windows to welcome the Christmas spirit into the home. Over the years, the wreath has become less symbolic from a religious standpoint. While still a large part of Christmas tradition and spirit, the wreath has evolved, becoming a work of art, if you will. While evergreen wreaths are plentiful, we're seeing so many wonderful, extraordinary varieties. Wreaths are still widely hung on doors and windows, but they're present in many more places as well - with styles and colors to awe and inspire, whether formal or informal, the beauty of the wreath cannot go unnoticed.



Laughing with the Angels



Design Mom

via BHG

via House and Home

maria killam


Design Chic

My kids and I are headed into Manhattan later this morning to get some Christmas cheer... My camera will be in tow, but of course!

Wishing you a wonderful Saturday... and maybe this piece will inspire you to create a wreath!
