Orange is the new black

Have you heard about Orange is the new black?
Or perhaps I should say OITNB, or
Hashtag OINB?
All the rage?
The Netflix series?
Where have I been?
You've not heard either?
Where have YOU been?
It will grab you in a second and not let go ... ever!
I promise.

While I was sick in bed, bored with nothing to do my friend Allegra told me to watch. I would be hooked she would tell me. And so I did. And so I was. I was so hooked in fact that I watched the ENTIRE 13 episode season is just two days!
And then I was DEVASTATED that it was over.
I fell in LOVE with all the characters.
Even those I despised!

Based on Piper Kerwin's memoir, OITNB chronicle's Piper Chapman's year in prison.
It's raw, honest, real, courageous, eye opening... It's life in prison. There is nothing else like it out there. NOTHING.
The actors are incredible. The storyline and writing are amazing. 

It's not for children. Or young teens. So watch it when you know no one is around. Or do as I did - crawl into bed, grab your ipad, mount it against some pillows and get lost!

Quick synopsis:

Ivy educated Piper turns herself into prison and is sentenced to 15 months after being convicted of a crime she committed a decade earlier of transporting money for her drug-dealing girlfriend with whom she had an affair. While this is classified as a Dramatic series, there is plenty of comic relief. You will find yourself gasping and laughing... You'll laugh, you'll cry... You simply won't get enough of Piper and these crazy, quirky characters.

I've just ordered the book too!
Click on the above image if you're interested in learning more about the book or buying it!
