To the Single Mother on Father's Day
To the Single Mother on Father's Day, via The Entertaining House. Image via.
Now that the day is mostly over I hope you were able to take a moment to celebrate you, and if you haven't there's still time.
I hope your children were able to get away and celebrate with their father, and that you put down the sponge, the dishes, the dirty socks from off the floor and took a moment to slow down and celebrate you and all the wonderful things you do for your children. I hope that you were able to take a moment to reward yourself for all the hard work and the sometimes endless days and hours that often make motherhood seem more like a job and less like a gift.
To the Single Mother on Father's Day, via The Entertaining House. Image via
I hope you were able to sit back and relax - watch a movie, lose yourself in a good book, take a nap, enjoy a glass of wine or a piece of chocolate.
I hope you didn't spend all afternoon picking up toys and dirty clothes and wet towels off the floor. I hope you didn't rush to do the laundry or empty the dishwasher, again! I hope you didn't make beds or tear off sheets. I hope you didn't scrub the bathtub or wipe down shower walls. I hope you didn't try to make semblance of the front hall closet or open any of your children's closets. I hope you didn't empty the dishwasher. I hope you didn't put the dishes away. I hope you didn't pick up a vacuum or sweep or mop or dust or go over every surface with Windex or Pledge. I hope you didn't slave away all day at the stove or attempt to clean out the oven. I hope you didn't think about cleaning out the garage or the basement. Or your own closet. I hope you didn't think about work or bills.
To the Single Mother on Father's Day, via The Entertaining House. Image via
Most of all I hope you're not sitting home and feeling sad or sorry for yourself. I hope you're not feeling lost or left out. I hope you're not sitting in front of your laptop staring at your Facebook page with streams of happy families celebrating and enjoying the day together. I hope you're not out and about and noticing mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers eating out, strolling in the park, along the beach, or watching as fathers cross the street with young children on their shoulders, or new parents sitting at cafes, strollers parked alongside them. I hope you're not feeling wistful, lost, sorry, ambivalent or sad. There's no time for that!
To the Single Mother on Father's Day, via The Entertaining House. Image via
I hope you are taking this moment to slow down and appreciate the beauty all around. Listen to the birds, the cars in the distance, the leaves rustling in the trees. Feel the breeze on your shoulders, the late afternoon sun. Go for a long walk. Go for a run. Draw a bath. Take a nap. Lose yourself in a binge worthy series, start a new book. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Appreciate the solitude. Take some time to regroup and reflect, focus on your accomplishments. The rest we want on Mother's Day and never seem to get, we've got that today. Embrace it. Make the best of it. It's not about the bowl of lemons, but every bit about the tall glass of ice cold lemonade. I know how hard it is. I embrace you all!