The Holiday Kitchen :: Spiced almonds with sea salt
Spiced almonds with sea salt
via The Entertaining House//Photo Jessica Gordon Ryan
My grandmother alway "made" nuts for company. They were almonds with sprinkled with coarse salt. I didn't particularly care for nuts as a child, save for the odd dry roasted peanut. I liked hers though. She'd put them out for company in these little silver dishes which made the little snacks seem much fancier than they actually were.
In my quest for healthier holiday snacks I recently stumbled across a recipe for rosemary and sea salt almonds. This was the first recipe I had seen that called for an egg white instead of oil. I've made many spiced nuts over the years, but I never loved using olive oil. The seasonings don't stick to the nuts with oil as well as they do with the egg whites. For the recipe, read here.