Embrace your inner bohemian fashionista!
Embrace your inner bohemian fashionista! (Image via we heart it)
The Entertaining House
What is it about Boho (or Hippie Chic) that's just so darned appealing? Is it the style of clothes? Partially - the loose, non-conforming, free-flowing clothes play a role, for sure. But it's the attitude that comes with the style that's truly appealing. There's a let it be, laissez-faire, I don't give a crap, almost flippant attitude that one embraces - a carefree, happy, "let it go" vibe associated with this style... Is it a style for the workplace or a traditional career? No, but it is one to be embraced when out of the office... on lazy summer days, relaxing weekends, vacations. What happens when you let your hair down and lose the confining, strictly conservative styles that have become synonymous with career, success and perhaps even upbringing? You can breathe - truly, deeply, relaxingly... And you just stop, pardon my French, giving a shit.
As I've gotten older I find that I'm relaxing more - in attitude, in lifestyle and certainly in how I dress. There are certainly those events and times when "buttoning up" is important and expected, but I find myself more and more shunning the confining and the restricting. I'll happily trade the pencil skirt, buttoned up blouse and high heels for a tunic, some well worn jeans and flip flops... even the pearls are making fewer appearances - though I've been known to mix them and boho, and probably forever will!
Life is too short to constantly be in a state of worry - to worry about impressing others, to worry about what they think of you. Do your own thing. Make your own mark. Smile while you do it. Work hard... relax harder. Embrace your inner bohemian fashionista and toss aside (at least for a short while) all that is confining. Step out of your button-down and buttoned-up outfit... slip out of those heals... toss on a sundress or tunic, some flip-flops and a pair of sunnies...
Embrace your inner bohemian fashionista! (Image via shopstyle.com)
The Entertaining House
Embrace your inner bohemian fashionista! (Image via Tumblr)
The Entertaining House
Hippie Chic Style. Image via Tumblr
The Entertaining House
Hippie Chic Style. Image via Tumblr
The Entertaining House
Hippie Chic Style. Image via Thefashionholics.com
The Entertaining House
Hippie Chic Style. Image via Tumblr
The Entertaining House
Hippie Chic Style. Image via Tumblr
The Entertaining House
Hippie Chic Style. Image via Tumblr
The Entertaining House
Hippie Chic Style. Image via moreaseal.com
The Entertaining House
Hippie Chic Style. Image via This is Glamorous
The Entertaining House
Create your own Boho Chic look!
The Entertaining House