Our Own Fireman Small!

With the Crazy Crowded House on the market and an open house scheduled for the Sunday after Alexander's Birthday I kept going back and forth about whether or not I was going to throw him a little Birthday Party. I thought, because he was two, that he really did not need a party, but how could I do this to a kid who had spent the better part of two weeks walking around singing Happy Birthday and pretending to blow out candles? If I didn't do something about it right away he would have to wait an entire year for another chance. Over the past few weeks Alexander had been to all his little friends' Birthdays so, I decided to do the right thing. Early on in the week I called the fire department to see if they had anything on their schedule for September 8th. This had been my plan all along, but I hadn't wanted to have little messy cake eating toddlers running amok inside the the day before the Open House. (Just try keeping them all out in the back yard... trust me when I say it just doesn't work!) I decided that, since we were suposed to have a beautiful I would have have the kids tour the fire station and have the party itself on the playground afterwards. My house would remain pristine and Alexander would get to have his cake and eat it too!

We met the guests (all 4 two year olds and their parents) at the fire station at 3pm where we were warmly greeted by three firemen. (Ack! I can not remember their names!) The kids got a tour of the fire house, heard the different alarms and were told what they meant. They then all got to hop on board the fire truck and sit up front! They saw Tom (I remembered one!) slide down the pole and even got to shoot water from one of the hoses. Alexander was in his glory.
When our tour was over we all crossed over to the playground where the kids took a break for some juice and a little snack, then were able to run and play to their hearts' content. We stopped a bit for some cake and let them run all over the place some more!

I was thrilled that I pulled this off successfully at the last minute, and save for the cake, paper goods and party favors the party was free! Mom, Dad, sister, brother and Alexander really enjoyed themselves at the end of the day!