At a loss

for words... Isn't that amazing?

We are back in the school-hectic day-craziness routine. Despite my 9 hours off a week without the littlest blond boy I find myself still racing to get stuff done and still dragging him, unwillingly along. So not much has changed. And in many ways much has. We have to get up early. Everyone is up and out of bed at 7:00. (I get up an hour earlier for some quiet and solitude.) The craziness begins and doesn't stop until we shut the door behind us at 8:15. We pull up to the school at 8:25 and I walk the kids inside. Depending on the day I may have a meeting at the school. I am in charge of Ways and Means, the Parents Association fund raising committee. Some days I can leave Alexander behind. Other days I can not. Some days I can take him to the play ground. Other days I can not. Nine hours of freedom is lovely. It is not enough to accomplish much though. My long list of Autumn To Dos. I am now wondering how I can tackle many of these items.

We've had three days of school and already I am thankful for the weekend. For a day of waking slowly. A day to catch up on laundry and other house-hold chores. It's pouring now. Heavily. And later Hannah is due to arrive. I have flashlights and batteries galore. Even spare bags of ice for coolers in case we lose power. I am hoping that because I am prepared we won't lose our power.

Alexander's grandparents (in-laws) were supposed to come over tonight. I think this won't happen. If the predictions hold true no one will want to be out and driving around later today. We were going to have a small party. Very small. This might not be possible. And tomorrow is a crazy day. Don leaves me for the month. He will take off early afternoon at the latest. Tomorrow is Alexander's actual Birthday. Ideally, tonight would be the best time to celebrate. But tomorrow is his actual Birthday. I do not want to deny him his special day at such a young age. He'll learn soon enough that some Birthdays are great. Others are not. To complicate things Christopher has his first travel soccer game. At Noon. About half an hour away. Would I be a terrible mother to admit that I am not excited for this first game? Would I be a terrible mother to tell you all that I want the fields in Greenwich to be flooded from Hanna? Then I could dote on my baby all day? We'll make it up to him. And I am sure he will have a great day... but the timing isn't perfect this year.

I still have a lot of wrapping to do. But Alexander won't leave my side... Don's asleep and Christopher's glued to the television in the play room and Rebecca is at the kitchen table drawing...