Down on the Farm and a nice encounter with the Marlboro Man
Alexander had a field trip today to a farm in Oxford, Connecticut. This was my third time to the farm (I'd been with both Becca and Christopher when they were in Pre-K 3) and, truth be told, I was not looking forward to it. Not even a little bit. Not at all. Outside the skies were grey and the winds blustery. The grounds were heavy with wet leaves from yesterday's rains. I have learned from my past that it's always a good 10 degrees colder at the farm than it is here. And even here they were predicting wind chills in the 30s!
This time I was prepared bundled up in my black turtleneck sweater, black leggings, long, white quilted North Face coat and my super warm ULU boots. I was dressed for the farm. Or the Alps. Or Mt. Everest!
I was secretly hoping for rain, but when I got up this morning I saw that was not happening. I dragged my unwilling self out of bed and rose the troops. As miserably disappointed I was in the sun's appearance, I knew Alexander was thrilled. He'd been talking non-stop about the cows and the hay ride and Old Mac Donald. So instead of sulking and whining I decided to put on my big girl panties and suck it up.
I did not, however, go on the school bus. Alexander was upset. Both with me and the fact that he couldn't ride with the other kids on the bus. He'll have his chance one day. But he's only 3 and now I want him with me, strapped safely in his car seat. I feel better that way.
Because I was driving (instead of being all cooped up in a stuffy nasea-making school bus) I was able to see and appreciate the breathtaking beauty of rural Connecticut. As we hit the "mountains" of Oxford the sun hid behind the clouds and the skies had a menacing look. Then we drove through the valleys and the sun came back out with the rain. But wait, that wasn't rain; It was snow! Real snow... October snow! It wasn't sticking but it was flurrying and white. I was as giddy as Alexander in the back. Maybe this wasn't going to be such an awful day after all!
Not long after we got there the other driving (mean) moms arrived followed by the school bus. We were met by a wonderful gentleman who would guide us and drive the tractor that pulled our hay covered wagons. I nicknamed this fellow The Marlboro Man. He had that gruff, tough exterior. He was rugged and strong. And he was so gentle and wonderful with the children. The only thing missing was a smoke and a Clydesdale.
Alexander and the children delighted in the snow and pumpkins and feeding the cows! It was a truly wonderful day after all! The air, while chilly, lent itself wonderfully to the spectacular skylines and views. Because I was bundled up like the Abominable Snowman I had as wonderful a time as Alexander did.