The Morning After...
It's over. Am I a terrible person to say thank goodness? Another Halloween is behind us. I didn't get any pictures. A couple but they are not terrific. At least not by my standards. We never carved our Jack-O-Lanterns. Our busy schedules just didn't allow for it. That's OK, the chipmunks seemed to have done a good bit of carving. We didn't get any Trick-Or-Treaters. Not a one. Nada. Zilch. What's become of these lazy kids? They can't be bothered to walk up and down a long and fairly steep driveway? That great big house on the hill had no visitors. And now I am stuck with $50 worth of candy. Okay, $45 worth... I ate some last night! I took the big bowls and stored them in the cupboard above the sink. Above my reach. I won't get any. I won't be tempted. I won't go get the step stool in the bathroom. I won't! Okay, maybe I will. But not today!
Today's a day to get stuff done around the house. It's my catch-up day. And my errand running day. I noticed that none of Christopher's pants fit. He must have grown in his sleep. Does that really happen? But last weekend everything fit and now nothing does. So I hit the Gap and Old Navy. Truth be told I am not a fan of Old Navy. But sometimes I can find things there. And when there's a sale, it can't be beat. But I didn't have much luck. I did get 2 pairs of carpenter jeans. Then I headed next door to the Gap and got him some more khakis and navy shirts for school. I was really tempted to get him a Darth Vader for President T-shirt. But I didn't. Because he doesn't need it. I was good. But I might have to go back and get it. I'm the impulsive type!
I was all done with my laundry until the boys decided to take baths. Now I have another load. Of soggy wet towels and clothes and bathmats. But at least the kids are clean. More importantly, at least Alexander's feet don't smell!
We're headed out tonight for one last Halloween event. We are going to meet up with a (motley!!) crew of friends to go see some amazingly (so I hear) carved pumpkins. At $15 a ticket for a half hour, they'd better be. And then off to a friend's house. A newly built house. By some famous architect. I'm not sure how many wings this place has. But I was told I would not have to worry about listening to loud, screaming children. We wouldn't know they were around. As soon as I heard that I nearly jumped off my chair (that would have actually have been way too strenuous an activity for me) exulting "Hallelujah!" Well, I screamed something, but that wasn't it! So any night that ends up with me potentially losing my children won't be so bad after all! I sure hope that by now you have all come to learn how sarcastic I am... and that I am really only kidding... well, a little kidding.
This morning I asked Don if it would be nice if we could find one of those places that takes dogs while you go away. Yes, I know the word kennel. I was hoping to find another word for the children though. He suggested we get some dog costumes and send them off. To a kennel. I looked at him and smiled. I think they'd have fun there. No, I really do!
Okay... off I go to figure out what to wear and what to get as a hostess gift. Maybe I will pick up two. One for if the kids come back with us, and a special one for if the kids really do get lost in this house!