Potty Talk
(for a mere $10,000!)
Who knew?! Well, my friend Kim did! Why and how I have no idea and I didn't ask. But when I Googled it I found out that it was indeed World Toilet Day.According to the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (leave it up to those crazy Canucks) "19 November was declared 'World Toilet Day' in 2001 by 17 toilet associations around the world. Since then there has been established an annual World Toilet Summit and many other regional conferences. Each toilet association has also engaged in many activities promoting clean toilets in their own respective country.
Since 2001, World Toilet Day has become a global platform for academics, sanitation experts, toilet designers, environmentalists etc. to share the latest on rural and urban toilets. The World Toilet Organisation asks each individual, in their respective country, to request better equality (more facilities for women); more accessibility & special provisions (for the disabled & mothers with babies); clean toilets (for everyone); and more toilets (for the less fortunate). "
There's even a World Toilet Organization... but I won't go on... I know many of you think this is a pretty crappy post anyhow!
A remote control flusher... because reaching behind you is far, far, too hard to do... and what happens when you have another remote to lose? Will you walk all over the house in search of it rather than just grabbing the little metal bar and gently pushing it down?