Another Most Embarassing Moment Post

I have a lot of these moments. I must be prone to them or something. Just like I am accident-prone which must be because I am left-handed because, apparently, Southpaws are much more prone to accidents... and, I guess, embarrassing moments.

I had totally forgotten about this moment until I read Tickled Pink and Green's post. And like her choice in books and films, I agreed with her here too. And so I left a comment. And this is what it said:

You know what's worse the VPL? VTL!! (Visible thong lines -- her post was about thongs, not the sandals.) I have a couple of pairs but I HATE them. I have found something better to wear to get rid of VPL... Spanx! There's nothing better than a smooth bottom even if it is acheieved with something not much different than a sports strap!Ok, now a confessional... so there was this one time... in band camp... and I didn't want to wear underwear... and I didn't want to wear a thong... so I went commando. No biggie. I was wearing these cute kelly green Gap khaki capris and a cute pink shirt and something on my feet. But footwear doesn't really play into the story. I was sitting at a picnic table talking to a bunch of friends and then I got up and talked some more. And looked down. And saw that my fly was down. OPEN! My hee-hoo was there for the WORLD to see. This is a true story. 100% except for the band camp. I never went to band camp. This happened at my kids' PRESCHOOL a few years ago!!!

And yep, it's the truth! And it's a pretty good thing I can laugh at myself and it is a pretty good thing that I do not embarrass easily. (My kids embarrass me all the time, but that's an entirely different post altogether.) I hope you had fun laughing with me and not just at me!