a break from the beach and Anita Shreve
Hellooo all! It's cloudy and overcast and I am happy to not be at the beach... but since I have posted the pictures the sun has poked her sleepy head through the clouds and I may have to dress and screen the troops, pack up lunches and snacks, towels toys and everything else one needs. Truth be told I'm not much in the mood. It's windy and cool. But the kids want the beach... well, one wants the beach and the other wants the pool... I cannot be at two places at once (which as moms is something we so should be able to do) so I will have to figure this out! Since Daddy does not get back here until late tomorrow night and I cannot split myself in two, I will have to decide which kid(s) to piss off... this is no small task as one, or two, of my children will declare me The Meanest Mommy In The World followed by several thousand whiny-chantings of That's Not Fair!!!!
We have had a fabulous time and the weather has been lovely... cool ... in the upper 70s during the day and low 50s at night, but for Maine it is perfect. The kids have had a blast playing with their cousins and despite my lack of communication with the outside world I have no complaints!
Tonight I am off to hear Anita Shreve (I just love her!) talk about her newest novel, Testimony. I will let you all know how it goes!
Farewell for now my friends... I will be back soon!