I can see clearly now the rain is gone...
Of course I did manage to find the same pairs on the Internet for about $100 less, but I figure that then I would have had to pay for the Rx, and in the end I would have ended up paying the same amount. (When we renew our health care account I will replace my nice sunglasses!) I love my glasses... and now that I can see, I can see what a pit my house has become. I can see all the dirt and crumbs and dust on the floor... and the grub and grime on the kitchen counters... all the work I have to do before we pack up and go. Luckily I am all packed... for the most part. I don't even make lists anymore. I put a suitcase in each kid's room and fill it. If I have too much so be it. We're not flying so I won't have to pay any overages. Only, I forgot to pack shoes for everyone and sweaters for me. Normally I won't sweat that stuff so much as we'll hit the outlets with a vengeance, but that's not going to happen this year. So I have a list of everything I forgot! I should be cleaning but what's the point in doing it now when I have 2 kids and soon to be 3 kids at home to wreck it all up. I'll save the cleaning for evening.
I just did my last load of laundry before we leave. Do you know I keep a Ziplock bag with all the stuff that comes out of my kids' pockets? I would say 98% of the items found came from Christopher's... The fact that I kept track is strange... the fact that I actually took a picture to show you is even stranger! But hey, I gotta keep it real!
And a big thank you, again, to all of you who are so supportive and have such kind words... I was honestly a bit nervous as to how you would react to the harshness and brashness of my language in a recent post. When I showed it to my husband he thought it was well written but though the language to be harsh and excessive. And while I saw his point of view, I was not only retelling my story (in which such words were muttered under my breath over and over again) but retelling it realistically. I am a writer by nature so I was expressing myself in my creative manner. I thought the words, for that particular post to be appropriate. I was glad that no one objected and was glad when many of you fessed up (in my comments and through email and Facebook) that you were glad that I used that language. And of course I didn't mind you all laughing at me and with me. That was my intent. I see myself realistically, traits, faults and all. And sometimes I have to poke fun at myself. I need to be honest with myself and I will not paint a portrait to you all that does not reflect me as I am in an honest manner.