Lucky. Never Say Never: These Boots Were Made For Walking!

First of all, I consider myself lucky. Our house was "chosen" by millions (Ok, thousands) of little lady bugs trying to seek shelter from the cooler weather. We have been hit by the lady bug infestation. And I do not mind it one bit! Rebecca first noticed the little red beetles on Thursday afternoon. So I had a look outside and there were thousands upon thousands swarming... by the front door, side door, garage and back of the house. It was an incredible and amazing sight! We are wooded, rocky and our house is beige. These are all conducive to good ladybug shelters. I love ladybugs and always have. We have always considered them to bring luck. Most of them managed to stay outside (confirming that our house is well sealed!) save for about a dozen that came in under the front door where the weather stripping needs to be replace. We have a 2 story foyer and they're hanging out at the top looking out the window enjoying, I am sure, the magnificent scenery outside. I welcome these little cuties that will protect my garden from evil. Please make yourselves comfy. The attic would be the best place for you.

I rather hate being a solo parent on the weekends. But it's only fair as I was the one who got to run away last weekend. My husband had a conference and I was stuck at home with the kids. Bickering fighting screaming kids. On a windy and rainy Saturday. Kids + Bickering + Being cooped up indoors = 1 Bad Mix! I managed to pique the interest of two out of three by suggesting a trip to Stew Leonard's dubbed The World's Largest Dairy Store...but it's really so much more including being the largest carbo-loading-sweet-bakery where my kids can eat their weight in sweets and carbs. But the Littlest One did not want to go. He did not want to leave the house.

I got up and showered and told the others to get ready as well. After I was dressed (after spending what seemed like hours trying on clothes) I came down to find all but the Littlest One dressed. Not that I would call what Rebecca was wearing suitable attire, but it was rainy and gross out so I let her pink sweatshirt and grey fleece pants go this time.

Alexander declared that he was not getting dressed. So I told him "Ok, fine. Just put your boots on. We're outta here!"

To which Rebecca replied "You are not seriously letting him go out like that!"

To which I replied "Well, I am letting you go out like that!"

To which she replied "But I am dressed at least!"

To which I replied " But sometimes you wear those to sleep."

To which she rolled her eyes then said "But he's wearing pajamas. With Santa Clauses all over them!"

To which I replied "He's four!"

And because she can never have the last word she informs me that I would never have let her go out in pajamas. And she is probably right.

And because I can never have the last word I inform her that she used to wear her costumes and tutus out all the time.

And because she has to have the last word she tells me that was different, it was cute!

And it was!

"And Alexander is cute," I tell her. And he is. But she is so right. I never in a million years would have let them out of the house in their pajamas. Never. But I am older. And it seems a good deal lazier. And I have certainly learned to pick my battles. Because with three kids there are way too many of them. And you have to admit it... there is something funny about a little kid wearing Christmas pajamas just before Halloween! Nevermind that they are also mismatched. A size 6 top from The Children's Place with a pair of size 3 bottoms that are way too short from The Gap. At least he had on his Dalmation rain boots....

and not these!!!

I was being a lame mother watching television and half asleep. I heard him in the corner but was too tired and too lazy to see what he was up to. When I finally got up to see what potential danger he was tinkering with this is what I found!

Yes, I stopped him before he could go any further!