A little bit classy; A little bit trashy... and a tag!

So driving around in your car with the music blaring and the bass turned way up is a bit trashy. But sometimes a girl's gotta have fun! As you know I love to sing (loudly) in my car. It's like some sort of endorphin release thing... Really, it feels great! My kids don't like my music much. Alexander much prefers Laurie Berkner and Rebecca would have A Party In The USA on 24/7. So when the kids are gone it's my turn to take control of the dash. Perhaps my trashy blaring music would seem just a little bit more classy if I told you it was Michael Buble? And truth be told, I've been known to blare some mean Sinatra as well!

I took Alexander and his little friend to McDonald's for lunch. Truth be told my kids don't eat that much kid food and I really don't know what most kids like. I bought hot dogs only to find out that this little boy doesn't like them. So I decided we'd have a fine meal at The Golden Arches.That's totally trashy, but in a totally good way. I didn't order anything, but managed to eat half his fries! So now I have this package of hot dogs. And my husband is in Seattle. I'm thinking hot dogs for the kiddos for dinner. Totally trashy! And for myself, perhaps a little bubly. Totally classy! Now on to the tag...

The Ever Adorable Queen Bee Swain tagged me in the Friday Tag Game.

All I have to do is answer the 5 questions with 5 answers for each question and then tag 5 of my favorite bloggers and they do the same! Easy, right?!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?

10 years ago I was adjusting to and struggling with my new life as a mother. It was nothing like I expected it to be. It was difficult, challenging, trying and extremely rewarding.

2. What are 5 things on your To Do list today?

Laundry (when is it not on my to do list?)
Make a phone call regarding our wine tasting event
Schedule a physical for myself
Compose an email re the school's wrapping paper drive
Clean up the mess that is currently being made by 4 year old and his friend!

3. Snacks you enjoy?

(What snacks don't I enjoy?)
Hummus on pita chips
Honey Wheat pretzels
Honey Crisp Apples
Any kind of cookie, especially if homemade!

4. Where are 5 places you have lived?

New York, NY
Oxfordhsire, England
Boston, MA
Newport, RI
Fairfield County, CT

5. What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?

Finish decorating my house!!!
Give a huge chunk of it to my children's school
Travel around the world for 1 year with my children -- there is truly no better classroom!
Donate to medicine and medical research
Set up funds to help less fortunate children

I am now tagging my friend Jo over at Bees & Fleur de Lis and The Preppy Cricket because that's just the cutest name ever! Sweet Tea in Seattle because I love sweet tea and my husband is in Seattle (where it's cold and rainy!) and I just love her OOTD posts... My new friend, The Blushing Hostess, because her blog is just so smart and clever and unique. (She posted the final dinner on the Titanic!) And last but not least, My Farmhouse Kitchen because she bought the Thanksgiving Blend at Starbucks for her kitchen (because she loved the packaging) and she doesn't even drink coffee!