for my Birthday...
My Birthday's coming up in two weeks. Two weeks from today, actually. I've been thinking a lot about what I want. I'll get some money from my parents and I'll do a little shopping. I'll hit Splash of Pink (A Lilly store) in Westport, and I would love to get a pair of TB sandals... or another pair of Jacks or another pair of Revas... I'd like to get all but I won't! But materialistic stuff aside what I want more than anything is a really nice day. I kinda do still like my Birthday even though I keep getting older and older. I still kinda feel like that little girl with the great big crown on her head... the one who was Princess for a Day and let everyone know it. In my youth I would have shouted from the rooftops that my Birthday was coming up in 10 days, 9 days, 8 days, 7 days... I would dance around all giddy with excitement excited to open prettily wrapped presents and eat cake. I always felt special on my Birthday.
Well, I still do. But I'm more reserved in my old age and no longer apt to wear that special button that lights up and blinks that says "It's MY Day!" on it. Some friends will remember and others won't. That's OK. We're busy with lots on our minds. I forget my friends' Birthdays these days too. I hope they won't take offense. I don't when people forget mine. I am always happy to make it up to everyone.
I wondered how I could have a lovely day without making a public broadcast. My Birthday is on a Tuesday. Husband works and kids are in school. I have physical therapy in the morning. After that I'm free. So I thought about what I could do to fill my time after that. Something that does not include laundry, cleaning... stuff of that nature. My last few Birthdays have been a bit of a bummer. Including the Big One when my tooth cracked. (I still haven't fixed it... don't get on me about that. I'll take care of it... one day... I have this massive fear of Dentists!)
School lets out a week (to the day) after my Birthday. (YIKES!) My kids don't have finals yet and the last week of school is usually more fun than work. I decided that I will spend My Day with Rebecca. We'll go out to lunch, get our nails done and have a lovely day. Just the two of us. Just the girls. Some much needed and over-due mother-daughter time. We usually spend a day together in the Spring. Now Spring is almost over and school is almost out and we're running out of time.
I'm really looking forward to My Day and spending it with my Special Girl!