taking time out... to be a mom!

There is too much I have to do. My plate is seriously overflowing. I do have a problem saying no especially when I am asked to do something that I really enjoy. I'm getting behind on my writing and getting behind on my household stuff. But today was about the kids. Rebecca had a friend over after school. They were practicing for their school's Iron Chef Competition. Isn't that the greatest idea?! I went out to the grocery store this morning to get all the ingredients that the girls would need. I washed the fruit. I got out cutting boards, knives, blenders, measuring cups and spoons and ingredients. I had also volunteered to make cookies and cupcakes for the boys' classes. And somehow I would have to fit those in as well. And how could I forget the goodies for the Halloween bags?! But of course I did. So I had to run out to get those.

I baked (nothing fancy -- packaged mixes as well as those that require just a slice and a bake) while the kids were in school this afternoon. And while the girls cooked I decorated. I was not able to get as elaborate as I had wanted as I had to be accessible and available to help the girls. But I have to tell you, it's amazing what a few sprinkles and a few plastic creatures can do!

Some of their tools


Their ingredients...

Devising up a plan...

Clean up's gonna be fun!

Holy guacamole...

Tomato sauce

The BEST refried beans, EVER!

Working well together!

Yes, I went running to the cupboard for Mother's Little Helper!

and now on to decorate the cookies and the cupcakes!

Excuse me Sir, there's a  fly on my cupcake!
Alexander wanted his cupcakes plain. He did not want to share the plastic critters.
"I don't want the kids to bring the toys home!"