La Jolie Grandmere's letter to my mother

The quality of this letter is poor because I had to photograph it because I haven't figured out how to work my scanner! (I wonder if I ever will?!)

My mother and grandmother were voracious letter writers. It was basically the only way to communicate. There were no cell phones in the 70s. My grandmother lived in the South of France. Had they talked on the phone regularly their bills would have been astronomical. As it was the connection was often iffy. There was often a delay of several seconds from person to person... and the other voice always sounded like it was in a tin can. Had cell phones with international data plans been around then I am sure my mother and grandmother would have still written often, but the nature of their letters would have changed.

This letter was written in 1977. I was 10 years old and struggling terribly at my school. Here my grandmother is trying to convince my mother to keep me enrolled there. Her reasons are amusing! My mother ended up pulling me and I went to a small, private school on the Upper East Side.

I cannot laugh at how different my world was back then, compared to how it is now!


Doll, Just when Jessica is starting to show improvement - even though spasmotic - which is the way improvement comes I think it's such a mistake to even think about changing schools (of course if they kick her out that is different but unlikely.) Don't forget there are things wrong with every school. You're not to be completely satisfied with any. There are always pros + cons. You've more than half the battle won if jessica wants to stay. I would think this was all important. If she transfers and doesn't like it you are really in a whole series of new problems. You are really asking for trouble. You may well find yourself in the position wishing she were back at the Lycee, what with all their faults. To have arrived at a point where she makes an effort, sometimes, to work and be helpful is EVERYTHING. After all schooling isn't that important. She will have a special training that should qualify her for jobs that American girls couldn't get, in case she doesn't marry a millionaire, which is preferable.

Larry agrees strongly with me and as you know we think she's a remarkable young lady - willful yes, but you wouldn't want her to be "wishy washy". I know it takes enormous patience on your part (which you don't always have) but this will only be a small period of your life.


I particularly love the millionaire part! Perhaps I should have stayed at the Lycee! 

Happy Tuesday All!

