It's Monday again... Make it Magnificent!

It's Monday again and admittedly I am sitting here, moving a little more slowly than usual, a little calmer than usual, a little more tired than usual... a little more somber than usual. Last week was tough, trying and exhausting. It was relentless. Why is it that everything happens all at once? Why can't we just have one small challenge or obstacle at a time? It's been a long summer. The children are feeling it and I am feeling it. We need more routine, and yet we need a change. We're in a rut. We're sort of going through the motions. I am eager for school to start to change things up. I am eager to get back to work. I am eager to hit the ground running. I am eager for a faster pace. I am eager to have a purpose once again. But I take comfort in the fact that it is Monday. I take comfort in the fact that I can have a new start today. I can set new goals today. Create a new list. Force myself to be productive. Force myself to stay on top of my goals without getting side-tracked or distracted. Hopefully little children behave and fewer curve balls come my way. I take comfort in Monday. My Day. I hope you do too. I wish for you new dreams and goals. I wish for you that they are met. I wish for you the determination and mindset to stick with it - something that has been hard for me the last few weeks. I wish for you great accomplishments. I wish for you smiles and laughter and happiness. I wish for you small breaks, some moments to yourselves. I wish for you a fabulous week ahead. I wish for you a Happy and Magnificent Monday... Make it Shine!

Go forth

GO Forth

Go forth and conquer! 



So let's go... let's set the world on fire. Let's just get up and do it!
My goals this week are to:

*Get back to blogging with more and better original, informative, inspirational posts... I have a few in the hopper!

* Get another 100 or more pages reviewed and edited in my manuscript

* Write the book review that's been waiting to be written for much too long!

* Lose 3-4 pounds (Yes, I am putting that in writing!)

* Stop putting off the projects I have wanted to take care around the house

* Do something FUN

* Try something NEW

* Do something MEMORABLE...

and, of course I will...

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What are some of your goals this week?

