Summer Reading Lists...

Keep me on your summer reading lists... Please! Google Reader will be shutting down. It will soon cease to exist... it will go the way of mixed tapes, the checker cab, the rotary phone, vinyl records, sneaker skates (remember those?!) Atari, leg warmers and (thank god) shoulder pads, stirrup pants and black Reeboks, the Sony Walkman, the pager, the typewriter... If you want to keep subscribing, may I suggest Bloglovin? It's a fabulous reader and I think you will be very happy with it, if you're not using it already. 

Bloglovin is easy to use... simply click on to the Bloglovin Site which looks like this:

Then where it tells you to search image on the upper right hand corner type in The Entertaining House:

and for some reason my blog appears three times, I'm really not sure why, but they're all current and you can click any of the locations and sign up to follow. I'd really hate to lose you... I have lots of good stuff planned for you this summer!

So this weekend, add me to your Bloglovin' feed (or continue to visit me directly or follow me by email if you're not already!)

Have a great weekend!
Keep Cool, Stay Dry ... Keep Hydrated... Enjoy a chilly glass of bubbly!

