September Morn...

She's right around the corner... my favorite time of the year. September may very well be my favorite month. It's perfection. It's everything that's great all in one place. It's summer and fall. It's warm and it's cool... Gone are the unpleasant, humid, sultry, oppressive days of July and now we've got pleasant temperatures... sunshine that still kisses the forehead and warms the shoulders and soul. We can still swim and jump in lakes and set sail. We can wear our white jeans, and shorts and little dresses and we can don our sweaters and jackets... we can wear flip flops and we can wear boots. We can enjoy the company of those near and dear to us outdoors in our backyards... We can still roast marshmallows and eat s'mores... at the end of the month we may want hot cocoa to wash it all down...

We love September and shiny shoes and freshly pressed uniforms and bright yellow school buses... We love the routine and we welcome the busy schedules and the warmer, heartier, more nourishing meals that come with the cooler days... 

While we bid farewell to the carefree days of summer we are all eager to move on... we are eager to resume our lives and pick up and move on. Another summer has passed and our children, happy to be reunited with their friends, go off ... down their paths, taller, smarter than they were last year... We stare at them, amazed at how time has flown... we remember as they entered Kindergarten as though it was just yesterday. Some of our older children are getting ready to leave the nest, to start new lives of their own.

September, like New Year's, like Mondays, is full of hope and promise - it's a new beginning ... 
It's shiny and new, like the red apple sitting upon the teacher's desk.


*images all via Pinterest