Does your Home Office have Pizzazz?

The children and I moved into our new home in mid-April, we are now mid August and my work area has me in a bit of angst. The kids will be back in school in less than a month and they will be out of my hands and home and into the hands of their teachers and schools allowing me to get back to work. 

The very first project I tackled when I moved here was to repaint my old secretary that has already seen numerous coats of paint. I think, perhaps, my antique white is the most demure she has ever been. She is strategically situated in a far corner of our family room against a large white wall, next to an over-sized window overlooking our expansive back yard with large oak trees, wicker sitting area and nearly an acre of bright green grass. On the walls next to the desk are pictures of my children in black frames. To the left of my desk sit more family photos in silver frames along the tops of the low bookshelves that line the long wall beneath the over-sized window. I have a wonderful environment, but it's a bit blah and still needs more pizzaz. Some color, perhaps. While I have books that line the secretary's glass cabinets, I'm thinking she may need a touch of color inside... Some more paint? Perhaps a little bit of wall paper... Should I replace the off-white cushion on my chair? (I've borrowed a dining room chair) And the enormous black frame that has been sitting empty since April still sits empty despite the fact I had every intention of having the children create something for it together. Now time's running out and soon they'll be in school and too busy for fun projects for around the house. We're due for some rain today and tomorrow. I know one thing we'll be doing! 

I want my work area to be a productive, calm and inspiring space. Like the rest of my home, what I do to it will reflect me, my likes, interests and lifestyle... so I drew to Pinterest as I often do these days to find some home offices that spoke to me and inspired me... and maybe when I'm done with mine, I'll even enjoy paying my bills!

Katie Armour Apartment // Matchbook Magazine
Katie Armour, Matchbook Magazine

Above, I love the cushion, the pile of books the lamps - and most especially the inspiration board.

Book display
via Belle Maison

The pop of green really speaks to me... it's inviting, calming and yet quite energizing. My work space definitely needs some color!

love this...
via Melange Photography

The above is nothing short of spectacular. Simply spectacular!

via House Beautiful

Or I could do something like this with my frame...

#chippendale chairs  Photographer: William Waldron  Designer: Nate Berkus and Anne Coyle
original source unknown

A slipcovered desk means ALL sorts of hidden space in which to stash unsightly supplies and tech tools... keeping the rest of the space so light and spare makes this a room that inspires easy concentration.
via Greige

Skirted desk
original source unknown

I adore the skirted tables in the above pictures. They add a simple elegance and are a fabulous way to dress up a not so nice table. For me, my home and my lifestyle, these lovely skirted tables would not be preferable... I can just see my little one wiping his grubby hands...

via Tumblr

Great office/dining room
via Matchbook Magazine

Simple. Subtle. Understated. Elegant. Lovely.

fab home office/dining room surrounded by books books and more books!
via So Haute

via ZsaZsa Bellagio

The two above are pure eye candy for me... I couldn't work in spaces like these, I'd forever be drifting off or picking up a book or two!

great use of small space
via Scout for the Home

Small office perfection!

dining room/office
via Emily Clark
I need a good rug...

I'm fairly certain that with a few more minor touches I can create a most fabulous work area. And you, are you inspired to revamp, or create a work space in your home? 

Have  a Terrific Tuesday!

