Ack... I've been tagged!
Me and My First Baby MEME
Mandy tagged me for this meme.
1. Were you married at the time? Yes.
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant?
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant?
I couldn't believe it. It was Mother's Day and we were spending the day with MIL. I did not want to celebrate her day, I wanted to celebrate it for me! As soon as we got back to CT we went to Barnes and Noble and bought out the entire pregnancy/baby section!
3. How old were you? 30
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? Peed on a stick in the morning. I was clueless and in shock. other than a severe cheese craving I would have had no idea!
5. Who did you tell first? Don... can't remember who else. It was soooo long ago!
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Absolultely! How else can one purchase all those adorable baby outfits!
7. Due due: January 17, 1999
8. Did you deliver early or late? I delivered 4 days late. Rebecca still likes to take her own sweet time!
9. Did you have morning sickness? Ugh yes.
10. What did you crave? Cheese -- maca and cheese, grilled cheese, Cheetos, Cheese Doodles! Then Mexican food.
11. Who irritated you the most? ??
12. What was your first child’s sex? Female
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 30
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? On bedrest (with all three actually as they were worried about PTL) and I had elevated BP with Rebecca
15. Where did you give birth? In a hospital.
16. How many hours were you in labor? I don't remember. It was almost a decade ago!
17. Who drove you to the hospital? Daddy did. My water broke at 5 am but we took our sweet time showering and of course stopping off at Starbucks!
18. Who watched? Daddy, Dr. and delivery nurse.
19. Was it vaginal or c-section? Au naturale!
20. Medication? Epi.
21. How much did your child weigh? 6lb 7 oz
22. What did you name him/her? Rebecca
23. How old is your first born today? Almost 10!
For those of you who are new to tagging, link the Tagger (that would be Moi) to your Meme and then the links/names of the people you are tagging! Copy and paste and add you own answers. Have fun!