Do You Twitter?

I was having a Twittering conversation with some friends the other day... some use it some do not. Some think it is downright creepy. Well I decided to try it out. I Twittered two words. Sarah Palin. My eyes landed on a Twitterer who had "just two words to describe" her. Those two words were Lens Crafters and Massengill. Come on you HAVE to laugh at that!
Sorry my posts haven't been more creative... sorry I haven't been spewing wit and genius lately. I have been busy in my single parenting-chauffeuring-cooking-nursing-yadda-yadda-yadda life. Now I have a massive Migraine no thanks to lovely female hormones, I am sure. (Though it could be all the wine I consumed last night.) And I have to accompany Alexander and his preschool class to the fire station for their first field trip. Then schlep all the kids to Rebecca's skating lesson after school. It is 7:49 in the morning and I am wishing this day to be over. Egads!