My Week in Summary

5 dozen chocolate shortbread stars baked but need to be iced (frosted?)
5 dozen regular shortbread stars to be baked, and iced
4 dozen oatmeal white chocolate cranberry cookies baked
3 dozen brownie ganache balls baked and decorated
1 ornament purchased wrapped and brought to annual Ornament exchange party
1 gift certificate purchased and wrapped for Holiday Baby Shower for an Oopsie who is expecting twins!
10 presents per child purchased and wrapped (yeah!)
3 outfits planned for Holiday Parties this week ( and changed about 30 times each!)
100 Christmas cards written so far
0 presents purchased for Darling Husband so far!
1 trip to Target to purchase fillers and Christmas gifts for cousins
7 loads of laundry
1 elf needing to be moved daily --forgot 2 nights in a row!
2 class grab bag gifts purchased and wrapped
1 class grab bag gift to be purchased and wrapped
0 presents purchased for my parents so far!
1 party to plan!
1 trip to be made to post office to purchase stamps
1 trip to dry cleaners to drop off and pick up holiday wear
1 week left of freedom (before kids are on Christmas vacation!)
1 boys blazer to purchase
2 winter coats, 3 pairs of ski pants and 2 pairs of winter boots to purchase

I haven't done much posting. It's that busy time of year!
Please Enter my Lilly Cookie Cutter giveaway if you are a blog follower!
Please stop by Miss Janice's to see a really cute Lilly of the Week photo!

Just watched Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Clause! Which aired on CBS last night that we recorded on the DVR... It's going to be a classic for sure!

Ok, the fun is over.... back to work!