It's Magnificent Monday, Magnificent My Day!
It's that time... the weekend is over. The week is about to begin. We may not yet have a spring in our step. We may be moving a little bit more slowly, hesitantly... but we need to make the most of it. I'm a huge fan of Second Chances and seizing missed opportunities. Better late than never. It's never too late to start. So let's start. Let's set our minds and focus. What do we really want? What have we been meaning to do? What have we been putting off? It's a new day - a new week. Let's all take that chance, walk out on a limb, stretch our wings, jump, dance, fly! Let's finish those started projects with a bang. Let's set our sights on new dreams and goals. Let's reach for the stars. Let's get in better shape. Let's eat healthier, call our mothers, send a note to our best friends - in the mail... the old fashioned way! Let's tie up all those loose ends, finish those projects, make plans, make lists... and let's thank our lucky stars that today is a new day, our chance to make it right and do it right!
Push yourself to be your best... harder and harder and harder!
Take time to slow down and think of yourself, think for yourself... recharge... reconnect...
and remember that we come in all shapes and sizes - beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Our size does not always determine how HEALTHY we are...
Be happy. Be good to yourself. Be kind to yourself - You'll be less disappointed.
Make some time for yourself... a little time for yourself, today and every day!
Be yourself
Do what makes YOU happy!
Be Happy!
Be true!
and be Magnificent.
You ARE Magnificent!
Make it a Magnificent Monday... Make it a Magnificent My Day!
Push yourself to be your best... harder and harder and harder!
Take time to slow down and think of yourself, think for yourself... recharge... reconnect...
and remember that we come in all shapes and sizes - beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Our size does not always determine how HEALTHY we are...
Be happy. Be good to yourself. Be kind to yourself - You'll be less disappointed.
Make some time for yourself... a little time for yourself, today and every day!
Be yourself
Do what makes YOU happy!
Be Happy!
Be true!
and be Magnificent.
You ARE Magnificent!
Make it a Magnificent Monday... Make it a Magnificent My Day!