Big Huge Favor and I Need Your Votes!!!
I have been selected as a possible candidate to fill a vacancy for Blog Tour 2012 as part of a select group of design and lifestyle bloggers. This trip is sponsored by Modenus. I cannot begin to tell you how honored I am that little ol' me, and my pride and joy, The Entertaining House, is to be included among such amazing, wonderful people and incredible talent. In order for me to be able to participate I need votes. I need a lot of votes. I am a long-shot. A way, long-shot but I want to give this an amazing opportunity a shot so I am giving it my all. Please help me be a part of this fabulous group!
To learn more about Blog Tour and to vote for me please click HERE
I would be most appreciative if you could vote for me and my blog. It won't take but a moment.
In advance, I thank you all so very much!
To learn more about Blog Tour and to vote for me please click HERE
I would be most appreciative if you could vote for me and my blog. It won't take but a moment.
In advance, I thank you all so very much!